Many managers today are always searching for tips on how to make a successful conference call and make meetings more productive. Conference calls are an essential part of any business that has a lot of employees, especially when it comes to large businesses with a lot of different teams.
If you are making video conference calls, you have to be fully prepared. That means not only business-related stuff, but you also have to look professional. Check out what is the dress code for the video conference calls.
Creating teams in the business environment is not a new thing. It has been around for decades. At first, the business meetings were held only in person. When businesses started using phones, the meetings could be held over the phone. Today, with the fast internet in play, we can make even video conference calls.
Creating virtual teams is becoming a reality nowadays. The reason for it is the expansion of remote work. So, the managers had to adjust their meetings to more and more remote workers in their companies.
Holding a meeting over the conference calls is practical from many aspects. But, there are some hidden dangers. When the communication is bad, you could lose some valuable data or even miss deadlines due to bad communication.
Therefore, you should learn how to handle the conference call better, so you don’t miss out on anything.
Tips For Making Better and More Productive Conference Calls
There are things you could do better before, during, and after the conference calls.
Before The Conference Call
1. Send the instructions
Create an outline or agenda and send it alongside all necessary paperwork to all participants. You have to eliminate all the irrelevant topics that can be a waste of time. Also, make sure to encourage participants to be more involved in the conversation.
2. Prepare all the necessary tools and be aware of your surrounding
Depending on what kind of conference call you are making, prepare all the necessary tools. If it is just a phone call, make sure that your phone is functional. If you are making a video conference call, make sure you have a stable internet connection and that your computer is functional. Also, make sure to check your surroundings. Eliminate all the noise you can and make the place as quiet as possible. It is wise to do this before the call. If you do it during the call, it will appear unprofessional.
During The Conference Call
1. Stick to the agenda or outline
If you have already sent the agenda or outline to the participants, stick to it. Otherwise, you will be wasting their time and your valuable time. The agenda has to serve the purpose of the meeting or what you are trying to achieve with it.
2. Start on time
You need to start the meeting on time, and not wait for those who are late or not present for whatever reason. Also, once the people who are late join, don’t start the meeting all over. You have to respect the time and effort of those participants that did show up on time. Just do the same thing you would do if someone is late for a meeting that is held in person.
3. Take notes
Take short notes of the meeting’s key points to stay on top of things. This also means that you should fully pay attention to the meeting. Don’t multitask, check mail, or do other things that are not related to the meeting. You can even record the meeting if you want to review it later. Or if you want to help those who weren’t able to attend the meeting to stay in touch.
4. Announce yourself and use the mute button
When you start the meeting, announce yourself, so the participants can know that the meeting is starting. Also, it would be wise to say your name before you speak, especially if there are many participants. This way, you can all avoid confusion. You should also use the mute button whenever you are not speaking. This way, you will significantly reduce the noise.
5. Don’t interrupt others
This goes without saying. If someone has something to say, let them speak. If you interrupt or talk over them, you might lose the valuable data that the participant is putting into the conversation.
After The Conference Call
1. Send a follow-up e-mail
This is when you need to summarize any decisions and key points you made at the meeting. This way you can crystallize the points the participants need to remember after the meeting.